Bubble Guppie Birthday Bash

Back in November, our little man turned the big ol’ terrible 2!
Looking back on it, I didn’t take near enough pictures of everything we did for it, but I thought I’d share some of what we did as well as our “pinspiration” for it all!

For decorations we went pretty simple, yet fitting the theme. My sister helped hang all the streamers and blow up a bunch of blue balloons in different sizes to resemble bubbles, and we hung them up using Command Balloon Bunchers which worked wonderfully!
In the kitchen we just did the blue steamers, balloons, and birthday banner, and in the kitchen we did the pillar type streamers. We added green streamers twisted on the bottom to look like seaweed, as well as cutouts of fishies from the show.
We has his cake made by an amazing local lady. It was not only delicious, but perfectly done! Lincoln was so excited to see “puba puppy” on his cake!

For snacks we had salt water taffy, “beach balls” (cheese balls), submarine sandwiches, and some other side dishes with less beachy names. 🙂

For the kids area we had lots of coloring pages, Help Bubble Puppy Catch the Ball (like pin the tail), bubbles, tattoos, and goldfish snacks for them!

Like I said, I did not take near enough photos, but I found tons of great ideas on Pinterest and Catch My Party for the party!

There were many cute shirts on etsy like the one below, but I didn’t think about it far enough ahead of time to have it made and shipped for the party. So, I did the next best thing! I made an iron on of my own, and we put it on a white shirt for Lincoln to wear during his party!

The first is a design from etsy.com, and the second is the image I merged and reversed for ironing on Lincoln’s shirt. It worked great and was easy to make in a pinch!
Of course, he didn’t leave the shirt on for long…he wanted to wear his Halloween costume, and who am I to say “no” to the birthday boy? So, for most of the afternoon our little man was adorned in this…
bg4It warms my heart that he is such a funny, loving, and goofy little man.
One thing’s for sure…there is never a dull moment with our love bug!

What’s Going On?!

update2016.jpgHappy New Year to you and yours!
It’s been 3 long months since I’ve posted, and a lot has been going on in our world.

Since my post in October, we’ve had some major life changes. It’s been a very busy and exciting time, and I am thrilled to share with you!

Little Man turned two in early November, and we celebrated by throwing a Bubble Guppies Bash! It was a lot of fun, and a party post will be coming soon. He was spoiled by family and friends, and we had a great time celebrating his life together! I’ve had a hard time catching up in my baby book, there’s been so much to add, but it’s getting there!
I love this baby book from 2giggles on etsy. We bought it in teal for Lincoln, and I plan to get another because…

Shortly after my son’s second birthday, we announced that we will be adding a new member to our family!
Coming in June, Baby Bonjour #2 will make their appearance! We will be finding out the gender in a couple short weeks, and as so excited to find out if we’ll be adding a little lady or another little man to our crazy bunch! Little man is SO excited to be a big brother! He knows the baby is in mommy’s tummy, and his favorite bedtime story right now is I am a Big Brother by Caroline Jayne Church.
There will be lots to post about as we prepare for the arrival of Superbaby #2! IMG_4944
We shared with our classes as well! In my room, we played a game to tell the news.
We celebrated Mr. Bonjour’s birthday mid-month, he is another year older, wiser, and more handsome. 😉
December is one of my favorite months because of the holiday feel everywhere you go! Seeing the holidays through Lincoln’s eyes has been one of the best parts of of the year. He was so excited about every little thing, he loved the lights, the snow, the sights around town, and especially playing with the ornaments on our tree.
We loved having Santa visit our own house this year, and spent most of the holidays with family. Over our Christmas break we spent a lot of time relaxing and enjoying our time together. It was a lovely, much needed time of rest for us all!
We had plenty of great food and treats to eat, and my belly sure grew over break! (Not just from the nummies!)


-A few weeks ago the belly popped!Baby is growing right along, all is going well!-

Last month also brought a few changes professionally for us, as Caleb received his administrative certificate, and I accepted a new position for next school year as the K-12 Literacy Coach.

There will be many, many changes for us in 2016, but we are so excited for them all! Stay tuned for more posts and updates as 2016 unfolds!

Upcoming Post Topics: 
-Lincoln’s Bubble Guppie Party – Decorations and Fun!
-Lincoln’s NEW Superhero Room reveal!
-Baby Gender Reveal! 🙂
-Nursery Reveal…and many more baby posts I am sure!

The Halloween Helpers


It always seems like the holidays creep up on us faster and faster each year, and this year is no different! The air is getting crisper, the leaves are turning beautiful shades of oranges and yellows, Halloween is almost here, and we have little man’s Batman costume all ready for trick or treating. He’s tried it on a couple times and loves it, but afterwards we have a hard time getting him out of it.  He loves dressing up, and what little one doesn’t? The problem is that not every little boy or ghoul (see what I did there 😉 ) has a costume to wear this halloween, even though they’d love to go out haunting their neighborhoods for treats.

The good news is that you can help solve this problem! The Halloween Helpers are an organization that help provide costumes to children who may not have one. Their site states: “Developed in 2008 by then 11-year-old Emma Rose Shapiro, the mission of The Halloween Helpers is to collect previously-enjoyed, gently-used Halloween costumes, and donate them to children who may not typically be able to participate in this yearly celebration.”
Can you believe that!? A generous, thoughtful little lady started this wonderful organization that now distributes costumes across the nation! They aren’t distributing to Iowa yet, but we can help them grow! The best part is, you can support this organization by purchasing an adorable Halloween story to share with your little one!
aviator owlbook
S.A. Porcher is a recent graduate from Purdue University who writes and illustrate the children’s books for Aviator Owl Books. Every book supports a different cause, donating 50% of the profits to that cause. The Aviator Owls and the Dancing Skeleton was created to help support The Halloween Helpers, and you can purchase your copy here at Amazon.com

Each copy purchased will give a portion to Halloween Helpers. Not only are you getting a sweet, rhyming Halloween tale to share with your family, but you’re helping another family enjoy the Trick or Treating tradition! That’s a win-win to me!

Not only that, but S.A. Porcher was kind enough to send me 5 copies of her book to share with some of you! I will be giving away 4 copies this Sunday, October 18th!
To enter, like this post on Blissfully Bonjour’s facebook page, and leave a comment!

Thanks for your generosity, and helping support this great cause!
For any information on AO Books, check out http://aviatorowl.wix.com/aviatorowl 

Superhero Room Makeover…and a GIVEAWAY!

SuperHeroRoomIntro Superheroes are SO popular now! The love for superheros spans across so many groups of people. In my very own home, we have a little toddler-man and an adult who both share a deep love for batman. It’s actually a little bit crazy…my husband has batman football cleats, sweatbands, and under armour gear, among other things…you could say he’s a big fan. 😉 But, I have to admit, I am a fan of superheroes myself. We don’t really have a preference of Marvel or DC, we just like the tales of heroism and the characters from all the stories!
So, it only made sense that we would turn my son’s toddler room into superhero headquarters! It isn’t complete yet, we are in the process of getting it ready currently, but I thought I would share some of the adorable accessories we’ve been gathering for his big boy room!
These metal comic book signs were picked up at Hobby Lobby and will adorn little man’s bedroom walls soon! I plan to put costumes from each of the superheroes pictured underneath them on some cute hooks. He is starting to love dress up, and this will be a fun way to display them!
superhero9These are one of my favorite things we’ve picked up, also from Hobby Lobby, and we’re going to put them onto a dresser we are refurbishing. The “POW!” handle will go on his night stand. 🙂 I’m so excited to show you the finished product!
superhero3These are for SURE my favorite thing we have picked up so far, they are so darn adorable! Hallmark has these precious Itty Bitty’s in so many different characters, and we’ve picked up most of the superhero ones. They are the perfect size for him right now, and there are no hard or sharp edges for Mama to worry about!
superhero4We’ve pretty much been grabbing things here and there as we find them, but have decided to go more with the comic book theme than old school or new school, and I love the bright colors that go along with it! We haven’t stuck to Marvel or DC, and I think that opens a lot of doors! We found the “BOOM!” pillow at the At Home store, the wooden sign was a gift, the Captain America wall light is from Target, and I made a blanket from fleece bought at JoAnn’s. These metal signs are also from Hobby Lobby, they have so many cute things right now, all over the place!

Now something for Mama! 🙂
superhero2This adorable necklace comes from Ann at Batty Boutique on Etsy! She sent it in this adorable packaging, and I absolutely love it! Little man thought it was pretty awesome as well! She has so many awesome pieces in her shop, Superheroes, My Little Ponies, TokiDoki, and so much more. Each piece is colorful and unique, you are sure to find something for you or someone you know! AND…she sent me one to giveaway to one of you! 🙂
necklace1This beauty is up for grabs! How cute is this?! It is such a fun piece that could be dressed up or down. This picture doesn’t do it justice, it an awesome, one of a kind necklace!
To win, like Blissfully Bonjour on Facebook, and share the giveaway post!
Also, if you shop Batty Boutique now, Ann is offering 10% off you order with the code ILoveBatty!
Good Luck!!

Back To School Bonanaza

BacktoschoolbonanzaI don’t know a better word to describe the chaos that ensues for a teacher as they head back to school. Bonanza. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. My mind was violently shaken out of vacation mode, and just as quickly thrown back into crazy-town, and I loved every second of it.

This week has been a major whirlwind of late nights and early mornings, packed lunches and quick dinners, grading papers and planning lessons, teaching class and taking classes of my own, and all the while trying to maintain a some what sane home life. (Yeah right!) It’s such a blessing to be in a profession I truly enjoy and love, otherwise I don’t think I could stand the circus of a life we live.

On Monday, kids came in a little timid, nervous to meet the new teacher, but excited to see their friends and start a new year. That shyness will quickly fade as their personalities have already started to shine through, and we’ve already been building the foundation for a great school year.

We went through the basics, the hum drum of rules and expectations for 7th and 8th graders, and the fun of what’s to come. We played get to know you games and set goals for ourselves for this school year. It was such a great day, and amidst the cups of coffee and diet cokes to keep me going, it zoomed by so quickly I hardly knew it. 😉

The rest of the week, as any teacher knows, was more about classroom management and setting standards than it was about getting deep into curriculum. It’s more about getting to know their homework habits, their handwriting skills, their reading levels, and how to help them grow, even so we introduced a new story, vocabulary, sentence structure, and some nitty gritty skills they’ll need as a basis for this year.

It was a great week, but I may not of gotten through as easily it if it hadn’t been for these things, my “survival kit” you might say…

  • Lincoln’s hugs and smooches before and after school – There is just something about a toddler’s unconditional, sweet, honest love that makes you feel like you can conquer the world!
  • Coffee…lots of coffee – I didn’t drink a ton of it this summer, so was hoping I might be able to get by on less this year…funny haha, not a chance! My personal favorite is Starbucks Caramel K-Cups
  • Almonds and Dark Chocolate – Any chocolate really. No explanation needed. I am loving Brookside’s Crunchy Clusters right now!
  • Hand Sanitizer – The amount of germs we encounter really is disgusting. I am not much of a germ-a-phob, but over the summer I forgot about the gross stuff a teacher deals with, even in middle school. (Especially in middle school!)
  • Planning Ahead – My room was ready, my lessons were “ready,”  lunches were packed and clothes were laid out the night before, the coffee timer was set, and I was able to go to bed without worrying about having to get up extra early to prep for the day.
  • My Hubby – He’s just plain old fantastic, and a teacher himself, so we’re both going through the same thing. That helps a lot, but he’s also the most supportive and understanding guy I know, so he puts up with my craziness rather well. 🙂

I hope your first few days, or weeks back to school have been just as fantastic!
There is LOTS of back to school goodness, teacher kits, and tips on Pinterest, be sure to follow me there!

Autumn Chalkboard DIY

chalkboardintroChalk  art is oh so pretty, and it’s easy to make your own for your home!
We have several chalkboards hanging around our home, and one of my favorites is the giant one hanging over my buffett. It was an old picture that was left in our house from the owners before, and I just went over the cardboard with chalkboard paint to create this big beauty!
I like to change up our boards from time to time, but this one hadn’t been changed since I first chalked it up over a year ago now! I decided it was time for something new, and have been feeling Fall-ish lately. After making this, I am ready to bring out the Fall decor and get some candy corn and peanuts! 🙂 (My favorite fall snack!)

Chalking is so simple to do, and pinterest is FULL of ideas! I like to look through quotes and other chalk ideas, then combine them to make my own. This is what my board looked like before…
chalk2I love this quote, and I think that’s why I left it up for sooooo long, but it was time for a change! The supplies I use for chalking include: a chalkboard, plain old chalk sticks (You can use chalk markers if you prefer darker lines.) a paper plate, damp paper towels, q-tips, and a dry paper towel.
chalk3First thing to do is wipe off the old saying. I take the damp towel to wash off the board, then let it air dry. Once it’s dry, you need to “season” the board! Take your chalk and wipe it all over the board in every direction. This just helps the board be prepared for chalking, and your mistakes less visible.
chalk4   chalk6
Once you’ve seasoned it, wipe it off with a dry paper towel, it’ll be a little chalky, and that’s perfect! It’s time to chalk now! 🙂 Add your own quotes and designs to make it your own! When I make little mistakes, I just take a q-tip and wipe it off. It’s not perfect, but that’s part of the beauty of chalk art, it shouldn’t be!
Like I said, it’s so simple, you can make something special for your home for any reason or any season!
chalk8I’d love to see what you create!
Happy Chalking!

Key Fob Giveaway!!

keyfobgiveawayRecently I posted about a couple amazing accessories from MyBebo on facebook, that go along wonderfully with my Ju-Ju-Be Be Quick in Animalini print, and I LOVE them! I have been using them for about a week now, and I don’t know why I didn’t order some sooner! They are so cute and useful!

Well, this week I received some stunning key fobs from Eji Italian Fobs, and they are simply gorgeous! I can’t get over the amount of detail and work that must go into these beauties, and I love how they add some bling to my already pretty Ju-Ju-Be bags! 🙂 And the best news is…I have one to give away to you!!

First, look at this…just look at it!
fob2This fob is the silver rose fob, made to match Ju-Ju-Be’s Charcoal Roses print, and it goes with it perfectly! I love hanging this on the front Mommy pocket of my bag. People have noticed it, and love how it accents the bag so nicely! I know I am biased, but it’s my favorite!
fob1This TokiDoki fob is made to match the animalini print. It’s a fun, silly, little guy, that matches the cow kid on the print perfectly!

And now for you, a chance to win this beautiful pink donut fob!
(It would match your Perky Toki bag wonderfully! 😉 )
fob3Did you know Blissfully Bonjour has a facebook page that gets updated often with tips, ideas, and day to day thoughts?
🙂 Well, we do! 🙂
And, because this gorgeous fob is up for grabs,
you can enter to win it by liking Blissfully Bonjour on facebook!

Be sure to check out Eji Italian Fobs on etsy, she is so talented and has so many beautiful pieces! I am sure you can find one that matches your bag! 

Animalini Mania

BeQuickIntroIt’s no secret, I am a newfound, self-proclaimed Ju-Ju-Be lover.
This is a recent discovery, but now I can’t seem to get enough! I even have my little man in love with Ju-Ju-Be! Animalini is his favorite print, and it’s quickly becoming one of mine as well.
My most recent purchase is the wonderfully portable Ju-Ju-Be Quick.
bequickAs soon as Lincoln saw it, he started making lion, monkey and elephant noises as he pointed out the animals in the print. It was too cute, I wish I’d have gotten it on video!  It was clear I’d picked the right pattern to go along with our diaper bags, at least the right choice for Little Man!
I have to admit, when I was browsing prints online, I was unsure about how much yellow was on the bag, I am not a big yellow fan…but, once it arrived and I saw the cute animalinis on it, I was in love!

There are so many great things about this little bag!
One thing I really appreciate about it is the clip-on strap that make it so this bag can be used as a wristlet, strapped to a stroller, or for the little ladies in your life, worn as a cute little purse!
bequick3The inside of the Be Quick is just as awesome as the outside! The lining is light so you can easily see and find everything you stow away inside it. It has a large main zippered pocket, big enough to hold my butipod, 3-4 diapers, my wallet, cellphone, and a few little necessities. It also has an inside small zippered pocket, where I keep my stroller straps for our diaper bag, or other little things.
bequick1It’s also machine washable, (air dry!) and coated with Teflon fabric protector, to help repel those stains us mommys always seem to happen upon. (No help from the littles of course 😉 )
So, as you can see, this little bag is a thing of beauty! It can be stored in your big diaper bag, worn as a wristlet, or hung on the stroller. There are so many purposes for the Be Quick, I already have plans to get a few more in other prints!

As for those ADORABLE accessories you see in the title image, I have my new friend Jittima, creator and owner of MyBebo, to thank for those gems!
She is a busy mommy of two little boys, who loves sewing, baking and cooking in her free time! Let me tell you, she is a wonderful seamstress! She fell in love with Ju-Ju-Be while searching for the perfect diaper bag to suit two little ones, and when she found Ju-Ju-Be, she became hooked! (Just like me!) She started sewing custom Ju-Ju-Be creations, and loves creating beautiful and functional pieces with their amazing prints!
bequickbutipodShe made me this adorable butipod cover in the animalini print, which I absolutely love! It’s so stunning and slim, it fits in my BeQuick with no problem!
bequickstrollerstrapsShe also made these awesome stroller clips to match all my animalini products! They fit in the inside zipper pocket of my Be Quick! I love these, they are such a necessary item for any Ju-Ju-Be Diaper Bag owner, and I adore that they can be personalized to match your bags print! So creative!
You can find many more beautiful Ju-Ju-Be customs in Jittima’s shop and on her facebook page!
If you have any questions about these products, feel free to contact my facebook page! I’d love to chat Ju-Ju-Be with you! What’s your favorite TokiDoki print? 🙂


A Teacher’s Mind Before Back-To-School

backtoschoolintroA teacher’s mind before back-to-school is a dangerous place to be. (At least mine is.)
If you stepped inside, you could get whiplash from the hurricane-like whirlwind of emotions going on in there. It’s not just a rollercoaster, it’s more like the space shot at amusement parks that skyrockets up at high speeds, then drops back down just as quickly, leaving you thinking, “What just happened?” or “Why did I do that?!”

As a mommy and a full-time middle school teacher, summer break is a much appreciated vacation from the stress of working with and loving 75 teenagers for 9 months. Their world is so different from the real world, they all come from different home situations, different realities and expectations, and we go on and try to love and understand each and every one of them, as complicated as they may be. Some people try to “leave it work at work” but that is so much easier said than done with teaching. Our minds don’t just shut out our students and the issues the day brings when we leave the school at 3:45pm (yeah right) each day. We carry that with us, all. year. long. And we love it. We love all the rewarding and difficult experiences the year throws at us, because it’s in our DNA.

But summer, summer is something we look forward to from Christmas break on. Who can blame us? We get a taste of it for two weeks, then have to go into standardized testing and end of year chaos before we get to those two and a half months of bliss.
So, when it’s over it’s easy to understand why we might feel a bit conflicted inside.

Our emotions come in a wide range. From anxiety to excitement, nervousness to nauseating, can’t-sleep-at-night thrilled to hitting-the-snooze-5-times exhausted, the range is wide and different for every teacher, but as some point or another in the weeks before school starts, we all feel many, many different things.

For me personally, it goes something like this…

Anxiety – I get a little anxious when I think about preparing and cleaning my classroom, making new bulletin boards, prepping beginning of year lessons, the number of differentiated learners I’ll have this year, making the perfect seating arrangement for, waking up at 5:30 am instead of 8:00 am, (ok sometimes 9:00) first impressions, meeting the students, meeting their parents, what to wear, common assessments, raising scores from last year, reaching struggling readers, making sure they know I love them no matter what, making sure we have mutual respect, sending my son back to daycare full-time, not hanging out with my husband all day, the end spontaneous mid-day adventures and slumber parties at grandma’s, packing my own (non-toddler food) nutritious lunches, and on top of all the basic stuff, I decided to start my Masters this year, so you could say the anxiety is a little high.

Excitement – I am also genuinely excited to start a new year. I can’t wait to meet the new group of students I’ll get to work with, I am ready to get back into a routine, I love the people I work with and am so lucky to have awesome co-teachers and colleagues, and the adult interaction is much appreciated after months of toddler talk. I’m excited to try new things with my lessons from last year, to adapt, modify, and make them better, and I am soooo thrilled to be a student again myself. There are many new and thrilling things that come along with starting a new year, and I am ready for them all!

Worry – I am a worrier. I over-analyze and stress about things that are out of my control so often, but I think that most teachers have this same endearing quality. The start of the year is no different, worries pop up in my mind between the anxiousness and excitement. I worry that for some reason or another I won’t connect with and reach all of my students, and that they won’t all see growth in one way or another through the year. I worry about some of them facing challenges no middle schooler should have to, and that I won’t know the right things to say at the exact “right” moments for them. I worry that I won’t be able to juggle the many aspects of my life appropriately and not spread myself too thin. I worry about worrying too much.

Hope – Entwined in my emotional bouts, I have a lot of hope for what the school year brings. I hope I’ll be able to reach those tough cookies, and create a good relationship with all the students that walk through my door. I hope they will all feel cared for and welcomed, I hope we’ll build a caring classroom community from day one, and everyone will feel important. I hope I have supportive parents that work with me to do what’s best for their child’s education. I hope our legislature will do what’s best for education and stop putting it on the back burner. I hope we’ll reach all essential learnings with mastery, that all students will gain and grow throughout the year, and throughout it all I hope I’ll be able to be a great mother to my son and wife to my husband. I hope I’ll have patience in the moments of stress, and grace at all times. I hope this year will be the best one yet.

These are just a few of the emotions in the enormous range of feelings an educator goes through when mentally preparing to go back to school. I didn’t even mention fear, pride, sadness, joy, or any of the other things you feel while on the space shot of emotion, but we all know they are there.

Overall, it’s a great time of year, and one of the deepest emotions I feel at this point is relief. I’m relieved that I get to go back and do my most favorite thing in the world, with some of the greatest teachers I know. I am relieved I get to share my passion with young minds and touch lives on a daily basis. I am relieved that this is my path, and it all starts over again in just a couple days.

Scrumptious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

chocchippumpkincookiesintroIt may seem a little early to some, but it’s just about one of my favorite seasons of the year…Pumpkin Season! 🙂 Just this past weekend I bought my first decoration for the Fall. I found this precious burlap yard flag at the At Home store, and can’t wait to put it out.
My hubby says I have to wait until September…I suppose that’s doable. 😉 pumpkinflagPumpkin and Fall themed decorations are lining the shelves of my favorite stores, pumpkin spice scents and flavors are back in stock, and it’s one of the best things about Fall! It makes me excited for football, sweaters, and cozying up with a pumpkin spice latte on a crisp, cool day. I am one of those people who loves pumpkin spice anything, but I especially adore pumpkin when I can add chocolate to it!
I thought I’d share one of our favorite Fall recipes, one that gets used many times during the season, Scrumptious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies! pumpkin cookiesThese babies are quick and easy to whip up, and are usually gone just as quickly! You can cook them for the suggested time for a gooey, chewy cookie, or a couple minutes longer for a more cakey cookie. Either way, you can’t go wrong! (Unless you burn them…don’t do that!)
I hope your family enjoys them as much as mine!
pumpkincookierecipeBon Appetit and Happy (ALMOST) Fall!